怀安多特县公共卫生部负责长期持续保护怀安多特县居民和游客的健康. The goal of the public health emergency preparedness program is to prepare, 减轻, 回应, and recover from public health emergencies such as acts of bio-terrorism, 传染病暴发, 人为和自然灾害.
Wyandot County Public Health prepares for public health emergencies by:
缓解是旨在减少或消除对人员或财产的风险或减轻事件的实际或潜在影响或后果的活动. Wyandot County Public Health 减轻s against public health emergencies by:
In the event of a public health emergency response activities of Wyandot County Public Health would include:
Wyandot County Public Health helps in the recovery process by performing the following duties:
怀恩多特县内任何希望对怀恩多特县公共卫生部门当前计划提供反馈的人,请通过以下电子邮件与我们联系 envhealth@co.怀安多特语.oh.us. A representative from the health department will contact you to make arrangements.
In the event of a naturally occurring infectious disease outbreak or an intentional bioterrorism incident, the ability to rapidly detect that the event has occurred will be paramount. The rapid discovery of a 生物 issue will severely reduce the number of individuals impacted by the event. 因此, Wyandot County Public Health has implemented a comprehensive infectious disease surveillance program.
The program involves network-building initiatives with various agencies at the local and state level, 以及, sophisticated disease investigation and tracking software employed by a contract epidemiologist. 在一起, 监测计划的两个要素将使卫生部门能够迅速发现和应对任何传染病事件,无论是自然的还是故意的. The following is a list of partners in our surveillance program:
怀恩多特县公共卫生环境司还收集蜱虫,以监测黑腿鹿蜱和龙星蜱在怀恩多特县的流行情况. 众所周知,这两种蜱虫都会传播莱姆病. 环境司还在夏季设置捕蚊器,与该县一起监测西尼罗河病毒的流行情况. Animal Bite reports are submitted to Public Health through various partners. After Public Health receives these reports owners receive a quarantine notice for the animal. If the animal dies while under quarantine the head is sent off to a laboratory to test for rabies.
在自然发生的传染病爆发或蓄意的生物恐怖主义事件期间,怀扬多特县公共卫生部门在确保当地人口安全方面的作用至关重要. 在爆发或事故的情况下, 当地卫生部门准备以疫苗接种或抗生素预防以及与疫情或事件有关的教育的形式提供医疗支持. Plans are in place for specific locations throughout the county to be used as dispensing sites as deemed necessary.
在过去的几十年中, the number of natural and man-made disasters has increased in the United States. As more and more people move into disaster prone areas, 快速有效地应对这些灾害的能力已成为当地卫生部门的一项重要任务. 人们发现,在灾难过去几天后,寻求医疗照顾的人数急剧增加. 与卫生系统受损和饮用水污染有关的传染病问题,以及使用电动工具和不安全的碎片清除技术的新手房主,在灾难发生后使当地的医疗保健系统不堪重负. 怀扬多特县公共卫生部正在改进我们的紧急行动程序,以包括医疗反应能力和灾后教育,以应对这些潜在情况, 环境测试项目. These updated programs will undoubtedly decrease the number of post-disaster injuries and illnesses.
The types of disasters we are most likely to encounter in Wyandot County, according to the Wyandot County Emergency Operations Plan, 如下所列.
Throughout the 1990's the US government noted a dramatic increase in the proliferation and usage of nuclear, 生物, 化学武器. 在2001年底的炭疽袭击中, 人们很快意识到,我国应对大规模大规模杀伤性武器袭击的能力存在重大不足. 从那时起, 该国地方卫生部门的基础设施已大幅升级,使地方卫生部门能够准备和应对大规模杀伤性武器事件. Locally, Wyandot County Public Health has been working on the following initiatives:
In the event of a large-scale infectious disease outbreak or WMD usage, the pharmaceutical inventories in Wyandot County would be quickly depleted. 在地方层面上应对这一脆弱性, the federal government has established the Strategic National Stockpile. 库存由疾病控制中心管理,由12个“12小时推包”组成,随机放置在全国各地. 这些推包里装着数十万剂药品和一整套医疗设备,这些都是应对各种传染病问题所需要的. 恰当地命名为12小时推送包, 这些包裹位于美国各地,因此可以在收到要求的12小时内送到任何地方. 一次交付, Wyandot County Public Health will be responsible for receiving, 仓库, 分发药品.
The following is a list of projects that have begun in Wyandot County to prepare for mass pharmaceutical distribution: